
Post 2

Wow, this is way more then what I had going on my last blog.

Good for me.

I've been "set up" with three guys in the past week, all from people from my work. I've only been out with one of them, and the other two I've just texted randomly.

The first one was a nice guy (and the one I actually went to get ice cream with). He was cute, funny, all good characteristics...of a friend. I honestly can't see anything happening. I kind of don't feel attracted to him in any way. He apparently thinks I'm "Awesome" and really wants to pursue this, but I just can't seem to say yes to that second date. I saw him today at church (who knew he met in the same building as I did?) and we talked about life and what not but when it came to asking about how busy I was this week I told him that I had a lot of stuff going on.

How often do I work this week? 3 days. When am I leaving to go out of town? Saturday. Out of those 3 days I only close once. I'm pretty open this week, not going to lie.

This other guy, nicknamed guy #2, I reaaally want to go on a date with. He was supposed to go to a concert with me last Friday but canceled last minute. I don't know what to think about it (and being me that equals out to over analyzing it) but I partially feel that he really doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Him and guy #3 have been great to talk to over texting. We flirt a lot and they both have GREAT senses of humor but in random parts of the conversation they just stop.

Is it me? I don't push my craziness out onto them (believe me I have a lot of practice keeping it inside), but it's with ALL guys I've tried to start something with (all Mormon ones though, except for once and that's another story). Things are great and then something happens and it's like they can't even remember who I am.

This is getting long, so I'll stop my rant. It makes me feel a little better though, so that's good..


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